Monday, November 30, 2009

Adventures in Cloth Part 1

Whenever I think of cloth diapering, I recall the diaper service that my mother used with my baby brother. They arrived in a van with a stork on it to bring us a load of prefolds, rubber pants and lots of pins. Cloth Diapering really has come a long way in the past 25+ years.

I remember when I first considered clothing diapering. I was 7 months pregnant, shopping for the perfect crib on the internet. I stumbled on a natural baby company and saw my first Bumgenius diapers. They were so cute! I mentioned cloth diapering in passing to Craig and his exact response was "EWWW! No way!" So the discussion would be sidebarred for another day =)

I didn't bring it back up again until Ava was about 2months old. At this point Craig's memory had been jogged about the expense of disposables. I had just quit my part time job to stay home so it seemed like the perfect time to start cutting corners. Needless to say he hesistated. It took me awhile to bring him around to the idea. He had the same concerns that most do.. "What do we do with the poo?" "What about the stink?" "You're going to wash them in our washer?!"
I have to say he has been very supportive, reluctant at times but supportive. Sometimes he even changes a few LOL

I ordered my first 3 Bumgenius pockets from I had a gift certificate so it's was the sensible place to start. When they arrived I was so excited I didn't even bother to prep them. I immediately threw one on my little piglet and for the next 20 minutes took pictures of her with her pretty, pink, fluffy behind.


Recalling this memory reminds me how confusing it was for me in the beginning. I would browse stores and the lingo would be foreign to me... AIO, OS, BG, FB, GM.. HUH?! I was very luck to have some nice mommies on the message boards to help me. Now that I am "seasoned" I have been priviledged to help a few mommies begin their cloth adventure and even converted my SIL to using CD's full time. (Thus the reason I am writting this entry. I am going to have a place for people who are seeking advice.)

I am at a point in our own Adventure where I feel like I know what I am doing. I know what I like and what doesn't necessarily work for us. I've branched out and started making our own wool and fleece covers. I know how to troubleshoot if a particular diaper has a case of the stinkies. I have my favorite stores that I check regularly for sales or new stock. I admit I was one of those women with 4 windows open on my computer, hunting for the perfect deals on Black Friday =)


I recently started revamping our stash to clear out what isn't working and replacing it with what does. While doing this I looked at the original 3 Bumgenius we started with. They have had their aplix replaced with snaps and are still my go to diaper when going on errands but they spend most of their time in our diaper bag. I contemplated selling them on as I have done with many diapers that we may not reach for as much as other. Then I thought of that day when they first arrived and the mini photo shoot I had with Ava and I couldn't do it. They were a little milestone to me, almost like the outfit I brought her home in or her first pair of shoes. Who knew you could get attached to a diaper? LOL ......... TO BE CONTINUED
